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Sam Freeman
Sam Freeman builds and writes about fun things, and has a healthy obsession with chai.
Latest from Sam Freeman
Legendary Hi-Tech Fashion Designer Anouk Wipprecht is back with an open source, 3D-printable system anyone can use to make robotic...
“How is this making to learn and not just making stuff?” Maker projects can engage students and improve learning experiences...
Ryan Jenkins talked about his new book, The Tinkering Workshop, which presents a wide variety of ways to play and...
Lydia Cline discusses how to get started with a printer and software for creating your own designs at Maker Faire...
Discover 38+ projects and learn about the latest dev boards from Adafruit, Seeed, Sparkfun, Pimoroni, and more.
Jorvon Moss has been working on multiple versions of his wearable robots, and finally made some good moves towards making...
Whether you’re looking for an easy last-minute Halloween prop for your haunted house, an over-the-top elaborate cosplay project, or a...
Check out some of the fun and games that can only be played at Maker Faire Bay Area 2024.
Here's a taste of a few of our favorite first-time makers, and what drives them to create what they do.
10 terrific makers for 10/10 to celebrate and see at Maker Faire Bay Area 2024
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