CoCoa Press Announces Availability of Their Chocolate 3D Printer

3D Printing & Imaging Maker News
CoCoa Press Announces Availability of Their Chocolate 3D Printer

CoCoa Press, based out of Philadelphia Pennsylvania, has announced the availability of their much anticipated 3D printer capable of making things out of chocolate. Reservations begin today with delivery expected to happen this fall.

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An interview With CoCoa Press from Midwest RepRap Fest 2022

We’ve been watching the CoCoa Press evolve over time and we’ve been really impressed. After this delightful interview at Midwest RepRap Fest last year (above), they have made even more improvements. The results they are showing online are a step above what we’ve seen in the past from anyone doing chocolate on a standard desktop platform.

From their press release, here are the stats

  • Food-safe materials and easy-to-clean design, with all parts that touch food
  • removable without tools and washable in the sink
  • 0.8mm nozzle for precise chocolate extrusion
  • 70g chocolate capacity per cartridge
  • 140mm x 150mm x 150mm build volume
  • Works with open-source slicers like PrusaSlicer
  • Capable of printing complex designs, such as print-in-place gears and an
  • articulating fish
  • “No print failures” – any mistakes can be simply eaten as a snack!

The price for the kit is $1499. You can reserve yours now!

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I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity I see in makers. My favorite thing in the world is sharing a maker's story. find me at

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